CEO and Managing Director of Epilepsy Action Australia (EAA), Carol has an extensive background spanning 35 years in the not-for-profit human services sector, holding a variety of executive positions.
She has been at the forefront of the medical cannabis movement. In her role at Epilepsy Action Australia she has had significant contact with many individuals and families faced with managing very challenging forms of medication resistant epilepsy, with few or no options left in the conventional treatment bucket.
Carol has heard and seen the changes in people’s lives, including reduction in the severity and frequency of seizures, resulting from use of medicinal cannabis.
Carol serves on the Australian Advisory Council for the Use of Medicinal Cannabis, Advisory Board of The Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics, Steering Committee for the NSW government’s Paediatric Epilepsy Trials (MC Research), and is a founding Director of the Medicinal Cannabis Council. She is a strong and active advocate for people living with epilepsy.
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Working in collaboration with United in Compassion, The Australian Medial Cannabis Observatory is interested in the hows and whys of medical Cannabis use in Australia.
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