Lewis Roussos is a native of NSW, born in Maitland. His father was Cypriot decent, so his early years were in the cafe’s.
At 20 years old he was called up for National Service and served 13 months in Vietnam. When he returned to Australia he joined the NSW police force and became a detective and served in the specialist squads, the drug squad and the consorting squad as well as the major crime squad. He also had many years in the special weapons operational squad.
Lewis spent 18 years in the Police and was honourably discharged a detective sergeant. He met Louis Haslam in Sydney in the police force and became firm friends and he and his wife Carol became godparents to Daniel Haslam. Lew and wife Carol witnessed first-hand the incredible benefit medical cannabis products provided in pain and nausea relief for Dan and others, and hence Lew is an enthusiastic supporter of the work of United in Compassion.
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Working in collaboration with United in Compassion, The Australian Medial Cannabis Observatory is interested in the hows and whys of medical Cannabis use in Australia.
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